Good Morning! I missed yesterday's post because I was on the trails. Yesterday was probably my most difficult training day run so far. I woke up in the morning already feeling sluggish and heavy. Really doubting my ability to conquer our long distance trail run. Struggling both mentally and physically, I still went through my morning routine of preparation. That's the beauty of training and setting goals, because you are going to have days when your just not feeling it and struggle both mentally and physically. But the key is to continue and push forward through those tough times. This I believe will help you in so many aspects of your life. Because not everyday is easy, nor should it be! That would be boring and it would make us less appreciative of our strong days. I made it through yesterdays run and on the way out to the trails I did some self evaluation and pep talk, confirming with myself that I will make it through because I believe in my self and my ability to push forward. It was a tough run and my body ached most of the run, but I did it and I feel better that I completed the run. I thought by sharing this with you, it might help you in your goals and training, that your not alone in feeling frustrated, tired and challenged on some days..whether its your first 5k or your Ultra marathon its still the same feeling, everyone struggles and has tough days, but the key is to persevere anyway!
Western States 2019
5 years ago
You are such a motivator and great example for us all!! Cannot wait to hear ow Way 2 Cool goes :)