Exercise: Tricep Kickbacks
Area: Back of upper arm
Primary Muscles developed: Triceps brachii
Use a chair or
a bench, and your own body weight, to work your triceps.
position: Holding a dumbbell in your
left hand (or both hands), stand with feet shoulder width apart with a slight
bend in your knees. Bend over at the waist so that your torso is
slightly above parallel with the floor. Bend your left elbow so that your upper
arm is locked at your side parallel to the floor. Your forearm should be
perpendicular to the floor (keep elbows up). Your knuckles should point toward
the floor.
Keeping your upper arm still, straighten your arm behind you until
the end of the dumbbell is pointing down toward the floor.The arm should be
fully extended and parallel to the floor (without locking your elbow) with your
palms facing in toward your body. Slowly lowering your arm back to the starting
position, and repeat. Repeat with your right or do both arms together.
Breathing: Do not hold your breath. Exhale when raising the weight (concentric
– work phase). Inhale while lowering (eccentric) the weights back to the
starting position.
Keep elbows/elbow up, and do not lift one shoulder higher then the other.
Exercise: Bench Dip
Area: Back of upper arm
Primary Muscles developed: Triceps brachii
Use a chair or
a bench, and your own body weight, to work your triceps.
position/Movement: Stand with your
back to a sturdy bench or chair. Bend your legs and place your palms on the
front edge of the bench. Position your feet in front of you so that most of
your body weight is resting on your arms. Keeping your elbows tucked along your
sides, bend your arms and slowly lower your body until your upper arms are
parallel with the floor. Your hips should drop straight down to the ground.
Hold for a beat, then exhale, and
straighten your arms back up to the starting position, and repeat.
Breathing: Do not hold your breath. Exhale when raising the weight (concentric
– work phase). Inhale while lowering (eccentric) the weights back to the
starting position.
Tip: If this exercise is too hard at first, do some bicep curls