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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Insight for the blind...Center For Balance donating time doing what I love!

"Insight for The Blind" an organization Center For Balance enjoys donating time too. We will be at Maidu Center in Roseville September 21 from 9:30 to 11:00 educating and teaching some great people !! 

Had an awesome time with the seniors today!!!!!
$8.68 in photo copies, a few dollars in gas $, 2 hrs of my time....making 35 plus visionally impaired hard of hearing seniors laugh to the point their core was sore ...Priceless! I truly LOVE off to Tuesdays speech! Cheers!

Oh Ya i told them to squeeze the walnut!! LOL!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Race line up!! I will provide a link for all races

Okay so much going on right now!! So many races and so little time!! But you know I will find the time..smiles.
This weekend( 09-25-11 is race day) leaving Friday to grab some fun time with friends and daughter. We are heading to Santa Cruz for the 29k Trail run in the mountains!! SO EXCITED!!!
Then October 15 we are doing the "Rockin River trail marathon"
Following weekend off to LA for an award ceremony with my sweetheart hubby who I am very proud of! So I will get a little recovery time in there (you know i will squeeze a quick run somewhere).
Then the following weekend (10-30-11) the day before Halloween its "Four Bridges half marathon" thinking we may dress up for fun!  October is a great month!! and loving all the training
But the BEST part of the month of October......I find out if my soon to be grandchild is a boy or a girl!!!!!!! Cant wait!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

18 mile trail run today!

18 mile trail run 27000 elevation gain with rocks, dirt and heat oh..and lets not forget mental endurance..Yes!! Mission accomplished! Today we set a goal and we conquered that goal. Its an amazing feeling to set goals and finish strong. We are ready for next weekends Santa Cruz 29K trail run!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yesterdays 16 mile 3,000 ft elevation trail run in the heat.also a replay of a trail running video Dawn and I both love..Its a virtual tour of why we love the trails sooo much!! Cheers!.

Okay..yesterdays 16 mile 3,000 ft elevation gain trail run was tough! we worked hard, my legs felt pretty good up till mile 7, after running a large portion of the big hills. Then on mile 9-10 I got a second wind. I felt strong again, not powerful, but strong enough to know I could finish.  It was a beautiful run! My good friend Dawn in front of me, the beautiful water flowing and the gorgeous trees makes all the hard work worth every step I take..Not to mention the major health benefits!!! Cheers to Trail running! I had to post a video I love with some trail running that is inspiring and gives you the feel of why we love it so much!

This is a quick synopses about Carbohydrates and how they are used in the body and how to BURN that FAT!

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and glycogen, which are also known as sugars.  Glucose maintains blood sugar levels and is used by the brain as well as the heart for energy.  Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles.  Any extra glycogen is transformed into fat.  Glucose and glycogen can be broken down into energy without the need of oxygen.  This is known as anaerobic metabolism which is utilized during anaerobic activities.  The anaerobic system allows us to perform high-intensity, short duration activities like jumping, sprints or the dreaded burpie. This means that mostly sugars are used during short intense periods of exercise.
Fat cells are basically energy storage areas for the body.  Believe it or not, your body needs fat to survive.  However, too much fat (or obesity) is dangerous because it can inhibit normal functions of the body or it causes the body a great deal of stress.  The problem with this stored energy is that it cannot be broken down very quickly.  Therefore, fat stores can only be broken down through aerobic activity (e.g., running, swimming or biking) for long periods of time.
In order to see the most body at reduction from your exercise program it is essential that you exercise in the “fat burning zone.”  This means you must exercise between 60% and 70% of your predicted heart rate based on your age, and resting heart rate.  Any intensity greater than 70% will cause your body to burn a greater percentage of sugars and fewer carbohydrates (which isn’t a bad thing but more on that another time).  When one is between 60-70% of his/her target heart rate, he/she is burning the maximum amount of fat that the body is capable of burning.  Therefore he/she is in the “fat burning zone.”
However, in order to get to the fat burning zone, the body must use a great deal of the sugars stored in the muscles before it can start breaking down the fat for energy.  This is a process that generally takes about 20-30 minutes.  This means a 30 minute activity, even an aerobic activity like running or walking, doesn’t start tapping into the fat stores until the end of the workout!  While 30 minute workouts have their function and can help achieve better levels of fitness, it isn’t something that is going to help reduce levels of body fat.  Only those aerobic activities that last longer than 30 minutes, approaching closer to an hour or more, are going to help reduce the amount of fat stored in the body. 

Two awesome Tricep movements that are easy and help the back of those arms!

Exercise: Tricep Kickbacks
Area: Back of upper arm
Primary Muscles developed: Triceps brachii

Use a chair or a bench, and your own body weight, to work your triceps.


Starting position: Holding a dumbbell in your left hand (or both hands), stand with feet shoulder width apart with a slight bend in your knees. Bend over at the waist so that your torso is slightly above parallel with the floor. Bend your left elbow so that your upper arm is locked at your side parallel to the floor. Your forearm should be perpendicular to the floor (keep elbows up). Your knuckles should point toward the floor.

Movement: Keeping your upper arm still, straighten your arm behind you until the end of the dumbbell is pointing down toward the floor.The arm should be fully extended and parallel to the floor (without locking your elbow) with your palms facing in toward your body. Slowly lowering your arm back to the starting position, and repeat.  Repeat with your right or do both arms together.

Safety: Breathing: Do not hold your breath. Exhale when raising the weight (concentric – work phase). Inhale while lowering (eccentric) the weights back to the starting position.

Tip: Keep elbows/elbow up, and do not lift one shoulder higher then the other.

Exercise: Bench Dip
Area: Back of upper arm
Primary Muscles developed: Triceps brachii

Use a chair or a bench, and your own body weight, to work your triceps.


Starting position/Movement: Stand with your back to a sturdy bench or chair. Bend your legs and place your palms on the front edge of the bench. Position your feet in front of you so that most of your body weight is resting on your arms. Keeping your elbows tucked along your sides, bend your arms and slowly lower your body until your upper arms are parallel with the floor. Your hips should drop straight down to the ground.
Hold for a beat, then exhale, and straighten your arms back up to the starting position, and repeat.

Safety: Breathing: Do not hold your breath. Exhale when raising the weight (concentric – work phase). Inhale while lowering (eccentric) the weights back to the starting position.

Tip: If this exercise is too hard at first, do some bicep curls instead

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"I rather be lost in the woods than lost in city traffic"

Happy Hump Day!

This morning I'm geared up to hit the trails! We are looking at a 16 mile trail run this morning right after I drop the kids of at school.  I hope my legs are ready?? my mind is!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fluid Facts for Athletes |

Hydration is very important when it comes to exercise!

Fluid Facts for Athletes |

My favorite pre-workout trail run breakfast!

Vegan pancakes-
I buy the Arrowhead Organic Buckwheat Pancake waffle mix. 
2/3 cup mix
Bobs Red Mill Egg replacer (1 egg)
1tsp coconut oil
1 TBSP of raw agave 
3/4 cup of Hemp milk
1 mashed banana 

You can put what ever topping you like! Agave, syrup, or just peanut butter which is my fav! Great snack to take on your really long runs too! 
Happy trails!

Slacker Blogger!

Okay, life has been very busy lately with training, family, running my company etc..But Im back!!

Love my Bad A$$ trail running chicks!

Love my Bad A$$ trail running chicks!
Follow me on my fitness journey's.